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Heritage Month

Julian Jimemez and John Olguin

Our Lighthouse Legacy 

February the Point Fermin Lighthouse celebrates Heritage Month, a celebration & commemoration of our lighthouse heritage. We recall with gratitude and fondness contributions to the Point Fermin Lighthouse made by men who were instrumental in making the lighthouse available to all of us today.


 Julian Jimenez, John Olguin and Bill Olesen


John and Bill kept the bulldozers from tearing down the Lighthouse in the 1960's by rallying community support to have it declared a historical monument.  They rebuilt the lantern room in time for the 100th birthday celebration of the Lighthouse in 1974.  They co-founded this Lighthouse support organization (1974 ) - Pt. Fermin Lighthouse Association years before it was first opened to the public (2003).   The Association evolved into today’s Point Fermin Lighthouse Society. 


Julian Jimenez took over where John and Bill left off.  As Los Angeles City Recreation & Park Supervisor at the Point Fermin Lighthouse from 1979 to 2002, Julian Jimenez was the resident caretaker.  He took care of the lighthouse, the park and the people who frequented the Point.  Thanks to Julian, graffiti and transient abuse did not degrade the house.  And after his retirement, he still looked after the lighthouse with loving attention and served as an active Society Board member, as Vice President..

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